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John Fox
Adjunct Professor
Stanford University Research areas center on optimal control methods to improve energy
efficiency and resource allocation in plug-in hybrid vehicles. Stanford graduate courses
taught in laboratory techniques and electronic instrumentation. Undergraduate seminar
"Energy Choices for the 21st Century".
Accelerator Physics Research areas center on RF systems and beam dynamics, instability control for
particle accelerators, technology development for beam instrumentation. Group leader for
LARP projects in LHC LLRF techniques and feedback control of electron-cloud
instabilities in SPS and LHC. Extensive experience with beam feedback systems, digital
signal processing techniques, accelerator dynamics and instrumentation for
electron/positron and hadron synchrotrons and storage rings, LINAC systems.
Research and thesis supervision for Stanford Ph.D. and M.S. students in Applied Physics
and Electrical Engineering. Two supervised students awarded American Physical Society
Ph.D. Dissertation Prizes in Beam Physics (Shyam Prabhakar, Dmitry Teytelman). Ph.D.
student Themis Mastorides awarded the 2010 Toohig Fellowship in Accelerator Physics
at the LHC. Two supervised Ph.D. students now faculty at University of Singapore and
California Polytechnic University.
I have advised 5 Ph.D. students through to completion of the Ph.D.. I have supervised 13
M.S. students in the areas of Applied Physics and Electrical Engineering
efficiency and resource allocation in plug-in hybrid vehicles. Stanford graduate courses
taught in laboratory techniques and electronic instrumentation. Undergraduate seminar
"Energy Choices for the 21st Century".
Accelerator Physics Research areas center on RF systems and beam dynamics, instability control for
particle accelerators, technology development for beam instrumentation. Group leader for
LARP projects in LHC LLRF techniques and feedback control of electron-cloud
instabilities in SPS and LHC. Extensive experience with beam feedback systems, digital
signal processing techniques, accelerator dynamics and instrumentation for
electron/positron and hadron synchrotrons and storage rings, LINAC systems.
Research and thesis supervision for Stanford Ph.D. and M.S. students in Applied Physics
and Electrical Engineering. Two supervised students awarded American Physical Society
Ph.D. Dissertation Prizes in Beam Physics (Shyam Prabhakar, Dmitry Teytelman). Ph.D.
student Themis Mastorides awarded the 2010 Toohig Fellowship in Accelerator Physics
at the LHC. Two supervised Ph.D. students now faculty at University of Singapore and
California Polytechnic University.
I have advised 5 Ph.D. students through to completion of the Ph.D.. I have supervised 13
M.S. students in the areas of Applied Physics and Electrical Engineering
Ph.D., Stanford University, Applied Physics, Ph.D. minor in Electrical Engineering (1986)
A.B., Harvard University, Physics (1977)